A couple more of D's writing was found in our old Mac. This one was written in December 2006. (He didn't put the date but Mac did) The last letter "P" indicates it was unfinished, but I kind of like the way it is - "P" serves as a period. (I don't know if the story makes sense or not, but this surely does sound like his voice.
There’s this geezer named Paulo who wrote about giving education back to the people, having the learners be responsible for their own learning and leaving the teacher as a sort of facilitator between students and any information or access to information they might require. I have a lingering guilt about what I impose upon students. My values have an effect on the language I use. But I sometimes imagine Paulo arguing with his students (or flock. He was also a priest).
P: what do you want me for today?
S: we wanchu to teach us how buy guns
P: well I don't know um when you say we, don’t you mean I
S: no I mean we. I’m the leader.
P: well in this class technically I’m the leader, and I think all the members of the group should create the tasks for the group.
S: I’m the president of the group
P: who decided?
S: we decided.
P: when?
S: before the class, while you were inna cloister
P: why do you want to learn about guns?
S: so we can kill te bosses.
P: but thatll kill your means of production, if therz no bosses therz no work
S: we want to kill you
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